Chinese drama in costumes, props, make up, performance can be said to be a combination of the ink painting activities, Mei Lanfang knew that the painting should be drawn from the play to help feed. He studied painting and sought the advice of famous artists, including Qi Baishi Qi Baishi, who loved Mei Lanfang's plays. Qi Baishi was Mei Lanfang's mentor and friend. Mei Lanfang combined art and life, with interests, to bring traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy into the theater, to expand the field of art, to break down the barriers of art, to create a new way out, and to spread this new thing abroad.
此幅画作是梅兰芳先生红底青花 粉彩疏篱,比自然,画风干净,用色完美,把一个艺术大家的艺术天才发挥的淋漓尽致,特别是粉彩瓷瓶的线条和开窗的细节,立体感强烈夺目,象头的画法把齐白石对动物画动物的本能体现的及为传神,灵动感鲜明。
It is a painting of Mr. Mei Lanfang's blue and white on a red background, with Pale pastels and sparse hedges, which is more natural, clean in style and perfect in color, giving full play to the artistic talents of a great artist, especially the lines of the pastel porcelain vase and the details of the window opening, the stereoscopic effect is striking, and the way the elephant head is painted gives a vivid expression to Qi Baishi's instinct for drawing animals.
梅兰芳的画清丽秀雅、神形兼备,有深厚的艺术修养。在抗战时期蓄须铭志,曾以卖画为生计。 梅兰芳先生的书法虽没有他的画出名,但是其书法功底深厚、清静隽秀。以行楷书为主,小楷尤精。小楷风格来源于《乐毅论》《黄庭经》《十三行》等二王小楷,并伴有唐人写经笔意。
Mei Lanfang's paintings are delicate and elegant, full of both spirit and form, and have deep artistic cultivation. During the anti-japanese war, Xu ming-zhi had to sell paintings for a living. Mr Mei Lanfang's calligraphy is not as famous as his paintings, but it is deep and serene. Xingkai-based, small KAI especially fine. The style of small regular script comes from "Le Yi Lun" , "Huang Ting Jing" , "Shi San Xing" and other two Wang small regular script.
This exquisite collection will be on sale at the top of the large-scale cultural relics and art auction. Auction schedule: interested buyers, entrepreneurs and collectors in Singapore will attend the auction. We are here to meet our long-lost friends in Singapore to exchange views and share a feast of art. We sincerely invite you to attend and participate in the bidding!
(Ellite media promotion department)